ISPS Auditor


The ISPS Auditor Course is designed for those who are assigned to conduct an audit of a security management systems based on the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. The ISPS Auditor Course meets the requirements of the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) and Procedure 24 of the International Association of Classification Society.
Effective implementation and verification of a security management system requires periodical internal audits. The approach to and scope of an audit differs widely from an inspection.

The requirements for auditing the management system within companies and on board ships have highlighted the subject of competence of internal auditors.

Our course provides you with the knowledge and expertise necessary to plan and conduct ISPS audits and verifications. Through the use of interactive exercises you will also improve your communication skills and thus strengthen your overall performance as an auditor.

The first part of the auditing process resembles an inspection activity (verification of compliance and identification of non-conformities). This course will provide shipping and offshore company employees with the knowledge and tools necessary for performing and managing internal auditing procedures. Verification principles and methods for implementation of both formal and informal audit procedures will be examined and applied.

Participants will receive a sound understanding of auditing techniques and processes as well as management of an internal auditing program. They will also gain an appreciation for the role and importance of internal auditing programs within the maritime industry as related to Safety and Quality Management systems and learn about the requirements laid down in the ISO 19011 standard related to the performance of the internal audits and verifications in an integrated management system.

Course Contents:

  • Requirements of the ISPS Code for Shipping Companies, Vessels, and Port Facilities.
  • Understand the applicable ship security criteria
  • Gain knowledge in current maritime security practices
  • Understanding the necessary interaction between ships and ports interfaces.
  • Understanding of auditing requirements of the ISPS Code, audit principle, procedures and techniques.
  • Understanding requirement of ship security plan approval and of ISSC certification process, internal and external audits for ISPS SSA, SSP, PFSA and PFSP
  • Hands on experience on how to plan, schedule and conduct an audit for compliance with the ISPS Code.
  • Differences between audits and inspections
  • General security principle, security plan and security management system
  • Applicable national laws and requirements of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code, including the related guidance developed by the IMO

Target Audience:


This course is equally suitable for any professional who has, or may have in the future, duties involving matters of security and wants to develop the proper auditing skills to support the gradual improvement of the applicable management system(s).


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